Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Run Emily, Run!!!

I wanna be a runner. I see the runners out there with their reflective shoes, ipods strapped to their arms, and short nike running shorts. (You know, the shorts with the undies sewn in) I tried some on once. They made my hip/butt area look like a hot air balloon. This is probably a result of me NOT being a runner.

Anyways - I watch these "runners" effortlessly jog down the street; their legs at a comfortable stride, keeping in rhythm to whatever tune they are listening to. They look like they are at such peace, like they have such purpose. They look like their minds are clear and that somehow they are becoming one with the pavement. I love it. It's so....motivating to..um...watch.

I admire their dedication. I REALLY do. So much so that I want to be like them. I want to wake up early in the morning and start on my daily jog. Heck, at this point, I'd settle for lacing up my running shoes in the evening after work. The time of day doesn't really matter, I just want to be like them. I want to be a runner.

I remember trying it once. While running, I'd often start to wonder why they, unlike myself, didn't look like they are about to pass out? Why was I panting, red in the face while my legs felt like spaghetti noodles? (not strong 'uncooked' noodles, but limp 'overcooked', could mash them with a spoon and feed them to someone without teeth noodles)

I can remember being on the treadmill, jogging for a whole minute and looking down to realize, that I was wrong and that I hadn't been running for the 15 minutes that I thought I had. So, what did I do? I kept running, adding a little more time each day. Eventually I got up to 40 minutes. I was extremely pleased. So pleased, that I didn't do it again. And even with my accomplishment, I still looked at the person next to me that had been running an hour and a half and looked like they just started. When I turned to get off the treadmill, after my 40 minutes, I mistakenly looked in the mirror. I looked like a truck ran over me in the gym, or maybe like I lost footing on the treadmill and slipped off to fall on the floor. Whatever the case, it wasn't pretty and I certainly didn't have that peaceful, just found clarity, look.

Oh well, such is life. I will get back on the running horse one day. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not.

'til next time,


Little Lesson: Each journey starts with one step; but you have to keep stepping.

1 comment:

  1. Girl you took the words right out of my mouth. My goal is to go running not with my IPOD but with my Boxer because I think it looks just so posh! So I tried running today and guess what, the dog decided he had enough of our 2 min run and laid on the shady part of the grass. Wow, not only am I not in shape, but neither is my dog!!!!
