Tuesday, May 11, 2010


May 11, 2001 - I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was 2 weeks away from Adrianna's due date (May 25­­­th)­­­­­. It was a Friday and I was already on maternity leave. I decided to go and visit my dad at work across town. I lived in Katy, TX and my dad worked at Worthing High School in Houston.

So - off to Worthing I went. I surprised my dad as I waddled into his school. I had been feeling a little different all morning, without getting too graphic - let's just say I was visiting the restroom often. Anyways, while talking to my dad, I found out that one of my cousins was graduating from college that morning. My dad had planned to go and invited me to come with him. I decided, sure...the doctors told me to walk. This will give me a chance to get some walking in. (Not to mention that I also REALLY love this cousin and was excited to see him graduate)

So - off to the stadium we went. I explain to my dad that we need to sit somewhere with easy access to the restroom. I was so glad we did. i think I ended up visiting it several times during the ceremony. What in the heck was wrong with me? Now, I know what you are thinking - why didn't you call the doctor, Emily? Well see, here's the funny part. I'd called the doctor many MANY times during my pregnancy only to hear "This is normal...you are fine". So, by golly, I wasn't going to call for this. I wasn't in any pain so all was ok. I was certain that this was just a normal part of pregnancy. After graduation, I was hungry of course so we decided to go to Luby's.

So - off to Luby's we went. YAY! Chocolate pie - here I come. I LOVE chocolate pie. As we walk in, one of the workers there asked me when I was due and I told her.. "Two weeks from today". She said "Oh, you haven't even dropped yet, it may be a while." Argh, people and their predictions!! I was SO tired of people doing this. Despite this, my dad and I had a wonderful lunch. We told stories and laughed. We talked about the baby and how excited and scared I was. As always, I totally enjoyed my chocolate pie. It really hit the spot. Oh, and the restrooms were clean so all was well. It was time to head back home though. I needed to rest a bit.

So - off to Katy I went. On the way back home I stopped by to visit my coworkers at Enterprise and to visit the restroom (mostly to visit the restroom). As I was sitting there, my manger asked me...."So, you dilated yet?" LOL....SERIOUSLY! I said..."only 1 centimeter". He said "You haven't even dropped yet...some people go past their due date....you have plenty of time". I was really like - UGH people, STOP TRYING TO PREDICT MY DUE DATE!!! Irritated, I decided it was time to go home. I wasn't too far so I knew I could make it without making any more stops.

So - off to the house I went. I got there and of course rushed in to go to the restroom. I really thought that something wasn't right (DUH) so I decided to give in and call the doctor. I didn't care if they thought I was crazy AGAIN. I mean really, it wouldn't have been the first (or last) time. So, while sitting there - yes, on the toilet - I called them. Guess what they told me...YEP...My WATER BROKE!!! What???

So - off to the hospital I went. I ended up having an emergency c-section because when they put the monitor on Adri her line was flat....lines aren't supposed to be flat it seems. They said she wasn't getting enough oxygen so they wanted to go ahead and take her. I still was only 1 cm dilated, but it was time nonetheless. So, on May 11, 2001 Adrianna entered this world.

This was, by far, the greatest day of my life.

So today - May 11, 2010 - I wish my precious Adrianna Grace a Happy 9th Birthday. You dramatically came into the world and have been bringing drama into it ever since. I can't imagine my world without you in it.

'til next time,

Little Lesson: Sometimes it's the real thing.

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