Thursday, May 20, 2010

Don't buy your 9 year old a harmonica....

Sounds like one of those common sense statements, doesn’t it? Ha!!

The little one and I were in Old Navy the other day and as I was checking out, she was looking at the section of knick knack toys that are in the front. You know the ones, those that are strategically placed so that you can see all bright and shiny things under $10 that you can add to your bill before you actually make it to a cashier.

So she starts to run up to me, as if she’s found gold, and says “Ooooh, mommy , can you buy this for me and I’ll pay you back with my birthday money”. I looked down and it was a dreaded pink harmonica. How did I know that it was a 'dreaded' harmonica? Call it mother's intuition, but I knew. I caved in though. I mean since she has birthday money and was willing to pay for it herself I thought – who am I to get in the way of a ‘birthday’ gift. So I agreed.

Well people, that night, she wouldn't put the darn thing down. UUGGGGHHHH!!! Where’s the peace? It wasn't in our apartment, that's for sure. Needless to say – the 'dreaded' harmonica will be disappearing at some point. But until that day, we will be suffering in ‘non-silence’.

'til next time,


Little Lesson: When you know better, you know better.

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